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Saturday, July 31, 2010

12 weeks... Already?

51 lbs in 12 weeks!!!  Not too shabby considering I am doing this without weight loss surgery, without a nutritionist, no trainer, no personal chef.  LOL   What I do have, is the support of friends, family and my Hubby.  Using the Social media was an idea I had to create accountability for myself.  I never realised the amount of encouragement I would receive from my cyber friends.   People send me recipes, diet tips, and notes saying good job.  They want to see me succeed!  A sincere thanks to my supporters, I couldn't do this without you!


  1. I have an appointment with a dietician next week through my health ins. Besides losing about 10 lbs and doing a lot of toning, my ultimate goal is to live a healthy lifestyle so I can be around for my kids as long as possible. I've been writing down everything I eat in preparation for my appointment...what an eye opener! ugh. I do real good except for deserts. I cave in the evenings.

  2. A sweet treat in the evening, after the kids go to bed has always been my crutch! I have tried to give up this habit, but when I do cave in I try to eat fresh berries with a dollop of fat free cool whip. It hits the spot. Keeping crap like ice cream, Little Debbies, etc out of the house really helps! LOL
