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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wed March 2, 2011

Wed March 2, 2011
steps 7,670

9am   2 eggs fried with Pam olive oil spray and 2 slices of rye toast with spray butter
          2 cups of coffee with 2 tbs sugarfree creamer
113a  4 strawberries
130    2 slices of whole wheat bread, natural peanut butter and 1 sliced banana
630p   1 1/2 Morning star 'burger' with roasted red pepper and eggplant spread, 1 cup of green beans
          baked potato spray butter
8pm   low fat popcorn


  1. Are you getting back on track? Eating right, exercising, being's tough work. I've slipped the last several months and gained 15lbs. I went clothes shopping this weekend for my vacation. I went up 3 pants sizes!!! UGh. Time for me to get back on track...but, life keeps getting in the way. Ironic, huh?

  2. Thx Jen! I gained 30 pounds!!! THIRTY, THREE ZERO!!! Winter was horrible, no energy and no motivation. But, it's spring now, no more excuses. It's time to get back to work. So far so good, I have lost 15 of those 30 pounds so far!
